Knowing Neurons
Jan 14, 2025 · Our passion is sharing exciting stories about the brain and mind. To do this, we use various modes of creative communication to discuss neuroscience simply and effectively.
2024-2025 NeuroPolicy Paper Competition - Knowing Neurons
Submission Guidelines CRITERIA. Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria. For questions, please email [email protected]: The piece has relevance to society and/or has the potential to address a current issue or ambiguity facing some level of government or society.-Timeliness: The topic and any proposed policy options seek to address a timely issue facing society ...
When experience becomes detached from sensation: …
Jan 9, 2025 · When talking about dissociative disorders, what often comes to mind for many people is dissociative identity disorder (informally known as multiple personalities) in which an individual is said to take on different personalities that control their behavior in various ways. However, there is a much less talked about dissociative disorder that impacts roughly 1% of the general population in ...
52 Brain Facts - Knowing Neurons
Your brain is very complicated and fascinating! Every week for one year we posted a new and interesting fact about that 3 lb organ in your skull and other parts of the nervous system.
What is MEG? Exploring Innovation in Neurosurgery
Sep 24, 2024 · By Megan (not that kind of MEG!) Hall. It’s easy to figure out what your brain looks like, but what is it actually doing? What does your brain’s activity look like? While we have many tools, like MRI, to understand brain structure, learning about brain activity is tougher.Specifically, most brain activity that scientists can measure is thought to …
The emergence of a hive mind: Should we worry? - Knowing …
Jan 31, 2018 · One possible answer is because that’s how large neural networks work. One popular (though largely untested) theory of consciousness is that of neuroscientist Giulio Tononi, whose information integration theory proposes that consciousness emerges wherever you have a system that is simultaneously functionally specialized and integrated, so that specific modules process specific kinds of ...
Can Neuroscience Explain the Mandela Effect? - Knowing Neurons
Feb 1, 2017 · Caitlin Aamodt. Caitlin Aamodt is a Ph.D. Candidate in Neuroscience at UCLA in the lab of Stephanie White. Her research focuses on using songbirds as a translational drug discovery model for treating autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Reverse Inference: Neuroscience’s Greatest Fallacy?
Feb 12, 2014 · knowingneurons. Knowing Neurons is an award-winning neuroscience education and outreach website that was created by young neuroscientists. The global team members at Knowing Neurons explain complicated ideas about the brain and mind clearly and accurately using powerful images, infographics, and animations to enhance written content.
Trash Talk: How the brain’s waste removal system exaggerates aging
Jan 14, 2025 · With evidence for what is preventing the aged brain from cleaning they attempted to answer this question by investigating whether it was possible for the clean up to continue, and prevent F-actin build-up in the older brain.. To answer this question, the authors designed an experiment that would let them genetically control F-actin in the flies. They targeted a gene called Formin homology 2 ...
Lesson Plans - Knowing Neurons
The Lesson Plans are part of Knowing Neurons’ Translation Project, where we work with the Spanish and Portuguese Departments and the Brain Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles to translate neuroscience content into Spanish