Discover the biggest rumors and leaks for upcoming LEGO sets in 2025, including the first ever $1000 LEGO set!
We've rounded up a few of the Star Wars rumors that have been shared online over the past week or so, including updates on Henry Cavill's (possible) involvement and Natalie Portman's ...
The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy brought a new era to the galaxy far, far away. Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012 ...
Destiny 2 is gearing up for a Star Wars collab that will launch alongside Episode Heresy; here’s what players need to know.
When Lucasfilm announced a new Star Wars trilogy, it was revealed that Daisy Ridley was returning for her own adventure. Fans ...
We have a round-up of some intriguing Star Wars-related rumors that have been shared online this week, including a possible ...
Wondering about the rumor that Henry Cavill is joining the Star Wars universe? Fans of the former Superman and The Witcher ...
The ‘Ocean’s Twelve’ scribe is the latest writer aboard to tackle ‘New Jedi Order,’ with Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy still on board ...
New Jedi Order was announced, and now there’s a new update! According to The Hollywood Reporter, George Nolfi has been ...
Marvel Comics seemingly confirms the death of one of Star Wars' most controversial characters, the Toydarian slave master ...
Disney and Lucasfilm have yet another new writer on the Rey Star Wars trilogy. This marks the fourth writer on the project.
The Star Wars film has already had a number of different writers, and has been delayed because of the turnover.