An ordinance aimed at applying stricter regulations on Fresno smokeshops has been shot down, councilmembers announced Thursday. The proposal would have shut down ...
Nearly $10 million has been approved for the construction of a new park in Fresno that Councilmember Annalisa Perea says will bring tribute to “a civil ...
In Fresno County, the zigzagging Friant-Kern Canal, diverting water from Millerton Lake, snakes past small villages as it ...
When Fresno City Councilmember Miguel Arias came into office in 2019, there was a single smoke shop operating in his district. A half-dozen years later, the highly-visible and heavily-advertised ...
The Governor’s executive order on Jan. 31 to maximize diversions form the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta has resulted in extremely high flows, plaguing anglers trying to stay on the bottom with up to ...