Dinosaurs are the extinct relatives of birds that roamed the lands and seas of ancient Earth. They first appeared around 240 ...
New simulations reveal that the climate, atmospheric chemistry and even global photosynthesis would be dramatically disrupted by an asteroid collision ...
In 2021, a team led by Dr Gary Kinsland of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette found evidence that the impact and resulting tsunami left "megaripples" of sediment 16 meters (53 feet) high and 600 ...
The six-mile-wide asteroid punched a one-way ticket toward extinction for all non-avian dinosaurs. Some 66 million years ...
Scientists have created a new 3D map of "mega ripples" on the seafloor caused by the Chicxulub asteroid impact that wiped out ...
New map of ‘mega ripples’ caused by dinosaur-killing asteroid helps recreate extinction event - Findings may help predict ...
YR4 became the highest-rated asteroid predicted to strike Earth, and although predictions for impact have lowered, not enough ...
Johnson reports the crater can be seen today only in a 35-mile wide dome that marks exactly where the asteroid impacted.
What a difference 30 minutes made! Barry Evans (he/him, [email protected]) is reminded that the odds against his birth ...
The new Argentine dino might give us clues to what the world was like before the asteroid wiped out their kind.
“Serpent Mound is the largest serpent effigy built anywhere on the planet Earth,” O’Grady said. “Serpent Mound is built up on ...
A White House science advisor recently war-gamed with space agency heads worldwide to devise a planet-saving defense to an ...