In February, the peak body for Australia’s higher education sector endorsed a definition of antisemitism drafted by a working ...
Australian police say a wave of seemingly antisemitic attacks and threats was really a "fabricated terrorist plot, ...
At first glance, when police discovered a camper vehicle packed with explosives and containing a list of Jewish targets near ...
Police say a businessman who fled overseas is a high-level suspect in a spate of antisemitic attacks across Sydney, but ...
It is increasingly clear that Labor leaders were aware the “antisemitic attacks” were a hoax, even as they declared them a ...
At the core of the ongoing debate over definitions are genuinely different understandings of what constitutes antisemitism.
Police say an explosives-filled caravan they found was part of a ‘criminal con job’, with those arrested motivated more by ...
Australian police said they have charged 14 members of an organised crime ring accused of menacing the country with attacks ...
The phoney graffiti incidents in Sydney ran parallel with an aggressive campaign by the Israeli government for Australia to ...
The revelation that a explosives-filled caravan initially believed to be part of an antisemitic terror plot was in fact a ...