In an abandoned complex in the Syrian desert city of Palmyra, a piece of paper bearing a motivational slogan in Farsi is pinned to a rough wall. “No beginning is more beautiful than hello, and no wish ...
Abdulwahab Omira escaped Syria's war with his family as a teenager. He recently returned as a Stanford graduate student and a ...
But after facing swift pushback by other guests on CNN’s "Newsnight" with Abby Phillip, Blakeman, a Republican, backtracked from his original allegation. He instead said, without proof, that the ...
In northeast Syria, revelers took to the streets after the announcement of a breakthrough deal between the central government ...
The IDF's presence on the Syrian Mount Hermon and in the buffer zone in general protect Israel from a range of Syrian, Hamas, ...
Now in Lebanon, many of the displaced Alawis say they refuse to return to Syria for the time being, despite the situation ...