Anne is Northern Ireland's first lady of journalism, having worked in the media since she joined Ulster Television when she ...
Despite her distress at losing the 12-year-old Jesus, Mary's search for her son is a model of every Christian's journey to ...
A child of the poor gathered his companions around him and led them to a statue of Mary ... Jesus grows up in hid­den seclusion, to be trained in Joseph's unpretentious trade. The loving mother ...
There were also many women there, looking on from afar, who had followed Jesus ... Mary, his Mother, the sister of his Mother, Mary, Mary Magdalen and the disciple whom he loved. A wealthy man ...
In the text of his catechesis for his General Audience, Pope Francis calls on all faithful to seek the Lord, as Mary and ...
or “The Exiled Nazarene Family” — refers to Jesus, Mary and Joseph, who, in Matthew 2:13-15, “flee to Egypt” to escape King Herod the Great, who wants to kill the baby identified by the ...
Here are a selection of notices published last week.
Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email ...
These powerful girl names carry significant meanings, and allow your little one to share a name with a strong and inspiring ...
“Right now my only concern is the delivery (of the baby). I don’t want ... are portrayed in a broadsheet like Mother Mary cradling the dead cadaver of Jesus Christ. Well, that's very dramatic ...