Defining magmatic differentiation as the process responsible for changing magma composition is not straightforward. In the past, numerous theories have been proposed for explaining variations in magma ...
The magma becomes contaminated with material from the crust when it absorbs part of the rock it passes through. However, neither of these processes would change the chemical composition of the magma ...
The first study on the Moon samples brought back by the Chinese Chang'e-6 mission show that the Moon's far side was just as ...
Kimberlites are rather susceptible to alterations that modify their original composition. Even though this pipe appears fresh there has been some debate about whether the saltiness of the magma ...
Traditional mass-radius diagrams used to infer planetary composition may underestimate ... while water in the mantle's magma ocean can de-gas and reach the surface as the planet cools.
This prolonged dormancy is explained by a balance between pressure, temperature, and magma composition. As long as these conditions remain stable, the magma does not rise to the surface, thus avoiding ...
A new study of the lunar samples collected by China's Chang'e 6 mission has verified the hypothesis that the moon was ...
Le magma stocké dans ces chambres est un mélange de roches fondues, de gaz et de cristaux. Sa composition varie selon le type de volcan et son environnement géologique. Par exemple, dans les volcans ...
A new study of the lunar samples collected by China's Chang'e-6 mission has verified the hypothesis that the Moon was ...