Across New England, the time-honoured charms of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard are getting a new lease of life. From sea shanties to basket weaving, meet the people driving this change on a ...
Months later, they took a trip to Cape Cod that would mark the start of a new annual tradition, during which the couple heads ...
New tracking devices are providing data on the behavior of loggerhead turtles who have been returned to the ocean after being ...
Tourists and residents are naturally interested in where sharks roam, no matter how rare attacks really are. Here's what to ...
Nauset, a 31-year-old North Atlantic right whale, was seen by aerial observers about 5 miles off Wellfleet with a calf.
Imagine a beach where the golden sands stretch out endlessly, kissed by the gentle waves of the Pacific Ocean. That's Wailea ...
A car collision that occurred in between Myrtle Beach and Murrells Inlet resulted in three people dying. South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating.
The family had recently relocated to the Myrtle Beach area from Hyannis, Massachusetts, McSpadden said. Jean and Kamyla are originally from Brazil. The crash occurred about 8:45 p.m. when a Ford ...
Every year, hundreds of loggerheads, Kemp’s ridleys, greens, and other sea turtle species wash ashore on Massachusetts beaches, mostly along the coast of Cape Cod Bay. Stranding season peaks in ...
Massachusetts is a beautiful state. From the picturesque gold and orange autumns in Boston to the breathtaking view of the ocean from Hammond Castle, the Commonwealth is full of little moments of ...
While Massachusetts' famous Cape Cod peninsula is lined with multimillion-dollar estates, bargain-hunting travelers may prefer the quieter, more affordable Outer Cape beaches near Cape Cod ...