Read on for horoscopes for your zodiac sign. Typical Aries dates: March 21 to April 19.
As you walk through your day, look beyond the surface of the tree or a coffee shop. Everything has a story and history. When you acknowledge that they have all journeyed to get there, you can ...
Divine inspiration is all around you, beautiful Pisces. You have recently felt plugged back into the universe, which has heightened your spiritual connection with the divine. This knowledge lets ...
Break up your routine, Aries, and try something new. You have done a deep dive into your healing, so all that’s left is to take what you’ve learned and move forward. You will be able to make ...
Mercury, communication and ideas, is linking to dynamic Mars and innovative Uranus. It's time to speak up and speak out! Words are powerful. But they need to be backed by action if they're going ...
Be mindful not to slip into escapist tendencies today. Instead, focus on how you can make small improvements and refinements in your life that allow you to feel more nourished and in tune with ...
Old relationship wounds may arise today, but they’re not here to hurt you. They’re here to remind you of the lessons they brought into your life. Every relationship teaches us something ...
Start here. What limiting thoughts about your dreams quietly resurface, whispering that they’re too big, too risky, or simply out of reach? These doubts often disguise themselves as logic or ...
This is the perfect opportunity to use your voice and be the catalyst for necessary change in your relationships to initiate healing. If you've been keeping things to yourself, this is the time to ...
A wish is your soul guiding you forward, Cancer. It may feel frivolous to make wishes about your life and love, yet this feeling comes deep within your soul. Don’t box yourself in thinking ...
The purpose of this moon phase is to let go of what no longer serves your growth and personal development. This transit requires us to go inwards to break through limiting patterns. During this ...