In the Netflix series "La Palma," a Norwegian family goes on holiday to the Canary Islands when a young researcher discovers alarming signs of an imminent volcanic eruption. Cumbre Vieja is an active ...
In the Netflix series La Palma, a Norwegian family goes on holiday to the Canary Islands when a young researcher discovers ...
While volcanic events can trigger tsunamis, as experts in volcanoes ... There have been more than 17 eruptions in the Canary Islands since the 1400s, none resulting in a “megatsunami” across ...
In the Netflix series La Palma, a Norwegian family goes on holiday to the Canary Islands when a young researcher discovers alarming signs of an ...
While volcanic events can trigger tsunamis, as experts in volcanoes and the communication ... There have been more than 17 eruptions in the Canary Islands since the 1400s, none resulting in a ...
Tsunamis are a hot topic in popular culture, lately. But is Florida ready for what some experts have warned for decades is inevitable?
A new Netflix series making its own waves centers on the scenario of a volcanic eruption on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands off west Africa. A mega tsunami more powerful than any ...