Buried "megaripples" — some the size of five-story buildings — are helping scientists piece together the devastation ...
Scientists have created a new 3D map of "mega ripples" on the seafloor caused by the Chicxulub asteroid impact that wiped out ...
Could a giant planet between Mars and Jupiter have doomed Earth? A new study suggests that small changes would have been ...
Earth is no longer on a collision course with asteroid 2024 YR4, but it could potentially collide with the Moon.
We might already be too late to knock ‘city killer’ asteroid 2024 YR4 out of the way with a tested method, a scientist has warned. The space rock has a 2.3% chance of hitting Earth in in 2032, ...
Chilling animations depict the apocalyptic impact that “city-killer” asteroid YR4 2024 could have if it did hit Earth — while astronomers warn that the moon could be in the line of fire as well.
On Friday, a chilling simulation showed what would happen if the city-killing asteroid did hit Earth. Created by 3D specialist Alvaro Gracia Montoya at MetaBallStudios, the haunting footage shows ...
The new Argentine dino might give us clues to what the world was like before the asteroid wiped out their kind.
The shocking video was created by Alvaro Gracia Montoya, who specializes in 3D animation under the name ... This theoretical asteroid is roughly the same size as Asteroid YR4, which astronomers ...
2032 asteroid impact animation A dramatic YouTube simulation created by 3D animation wizard Alvaro Gracia Montoya shows a massive space rock laying waste to a metropolis like something out of a ...