Utah lawmakers passed a handful of bills that could impact people experiencing homelessness, along with affected cities, ...
Saginaw City Hall officials say they plan to partner with local agencies to develop “temporary legal encampment sites” for ...
Local officials and service providers acknowledge it’s going to take a bigger effort to address rising homelessness in the ...
Housing is a basic human need, but stable housing is out of reach or hard to keep for far too many people. This is a policy ...
A Home for All includes the United Way, United Housing, and 40 other groups working to find housing for people by December ...
The LAO’s report says the January 2024 point-in-time count found 187,000 people who are homeless in California, an all-time ...
Experts say that what is causing the city’s homelessness issue is unique – but reflects a growing national trend of new ...
The District 1 seat became vacant after former county Supervisor Nora Vargas announced in December she would not serve her ...
Two families alleged that Holly Hill Hospital in Raleigh released their loved ones, who had mental health conditions, onto the streets without notifying them, resulting in homelessness and distress.
The goal of the Southern Oregon program is two-pronged: address housing and homelessness issues and bring people together ...
The Jefferson City Task Force on homelessness discussed plan on Thursday to further resources in Mid-Missouri.  The group was updated on what officials in Columbia are doing. One of the main focuses ...
San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan has long said he wants elected officials and city leaders to be accountable for eliminating ...