ACA plans are the only ones eligible for premium tax credits based on your household income and family size, which can significantly reduce the cost of health insurance. Health insurance costs ...
Since 2021, thousands of Rhode Islanders have benefited from premium tax credits that have made health insurance more ...
Unless Congress extends the enhanced premium tax credits, 4 million more Americans will become uninsured, and many will have ...
The House passed a bill calling for $2 trillion in cuts. Scrapping this Biden-era spending is low-hanging fruit.
The elimination of credits that must be reauthorized by Congress would raise premiums by an average of $2,122.
Enhanced premium tax credits (PTCs) have made marketplace health insurance more affordable, and eliminating them could have ...
Enhanced tax credits that help thousands of Granite Staters better afford federally backed health coverage are set to expire ...
At a town hall this week hosted by Democratic U.S. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick on “The Future of Medicaid, Medicare, and ...
Child-only health insurance helps pay for children’s medical bills and preventive care, such as immunizations. Health ...
Since 2021 advanced premium tax credits have helped subsidize health insurance for thousands of Rhode Islanders Those credits, however, are expiring this year, and unless lawmakers in the state or ...