On a large asteroid named Vesta, mysteriously curved gullies and fan-shaped deposits may have formed from short-lived flows ...
But on some worlds, including the giant asteroid Vesta that NASA’s Dawn mission explored, the surfaces also contain deep channels, or gullies, whose origins are not fully understood. A prime ...
NASA’s Dawn mission to the asteroid Vesta revealed mysterious gullies on its surface. New lab experiments, simulating Vesta's harsh vacuum conditions, suggest that liquid water, possibly briny ...
Most of them have a diameter of between 20 to 100 kilometres, a few up to 500 kilometres, but none are larger than Ceres: with its 1000- kilometre diameter, it makes up more than a third of the total ...
The next largest asteroids in the solar system are 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta and 10 Hygiea which are between 400 and 525 km in diameter. All three also lie within the asteroid belt. Every other asteroid ...
However, during the first weekend of the month, Vesta, the asteroid of sacred sexuality, moves into erotic Scorpio. Then Venus shifts into dreamy Pisces. Both transits bring a sense of divinity to ...