And yet fondness always infuses its peril, and poignancy: Puchner’s overarching love for these befuddled players, and theirs for one another, are palpable and credible. “Dream State” is a ...
Madison calls herself an artist in Season 8 of 'Love Is Blind,' and fans have uncovered some of her art outside of the show.
The late great David Lynch had sat down with ArtForum in 2019 to talk about his fondness for making art, noting how he’d fallen in love with the ... Los Angeles with a dream.
From a young age, AJ developed a fascination with Chinese Kung Fu, inspired by cinematic icons like Jet Li and Jackie Chan. This love ignited what he refers to as his "martial arts dream." In 2023, ...
Family, grief, religion, and love take center stage in a new play written by Steph Chen ’25 and directed by Wasif Sami ’25 that debuted on Feb. 14 in the Wallace Theater. From script to stage, “To ...