Micro USB was once the connector of choice for applications where USB-A was too big, but now USB-C has come to dominate all. It’s becoming standard across the board for many peripherals, and ...
EA Access arrives on PlayStation 4 in July, but it's incompatible with existing Xbox and PC subscriptions. Dreams is the most important new game in a decade Dreams isn't actually about dreaming ...
Once the PlayStation 4 generation began, it was required for online play, but still offered those same benefits. Now, PS Plus is divided into three different tiers of subscriptions. The basic tier ...
Sony's entry into the gaming market in the mid-1990s marked the beginning of a revolution. With the release of the original ...
Sony worked with AMD to produce a unique APU for the PlayStation 4 that contained a custom Radeon 7970M, which was itself a mobile variant of early 2011's desktop flagship HD 7970. Although there ...
For 'PlayStation,' 'PlayStation 2,' 'PlayStation 3,' and 'PlayStation 4,' there are similar banners, with the former adding an image of the classic console to your screen, while the others are ...
Narrowing your friends or joining larger groups remains outside the abilities of the PlayStation 4 at present, despite system-wide Facebook integration, and sharing options that include Facebook ...
That said, gaming on the PlayStation 4 or the PlayStation 5, almost certainly require a PlayStation Plus subscription service from Sony directly. That allows you to play multiplayer games and ...
That makes PlayStation 4 the top-selling game console in the world at the moment, over Microsoft's Xbox One (~21 million) and Nintendo's Wii U (~13 million). About one-tenth of those owners are ...
Meanwhile, the designers of the PlayStation 4 were taking notes and designing a console that, feature by feature, sought to address the failings of its predecessor. The PS3 was notoriously ...
All Articles for Playstation 4 The PlayStation 4 is a video game console from Sony Computer Entertainment. Announced as the successor to the PlayStation 3 during a press conference on February 20 ...